US High Yield

Maximize your credit analysis with complete and accurate data sets on High Yield USD denominated issuers

Scale up your coverage of
US High Yield bonds

Covering over 1,000 corporate issuers, our US High Yield license includes detailed financials extracted from official earnings reports - giving you all the data you need for fundamental analysis of the US high yield space, as defined by the Markit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Index.


Total number of issuers included in coverage

< 6 hours

Average model turnaround after new issue

< 15 minutes

Average model turnaround after earnings release

Power your analysis with complete credit data

Line-by-line models including the 3 main financial statements, debt notes, EBITDA analysis, geographic & segment reporting, operating KPIs & credit metrics.

Power your analysis with complete credit data | Cognitive Credit

Greater accuracy via automatic extraction

Our machine-reading technology systematically extracts and structures credit data from publicly available financial reports within minutes of release.

Greater accuracy via automatic extraction | Cognitive Credit

Support your view with additional content

Issuer summaries, reporting calendars, document libraries, pricing and reference data for outstanding loans and bonds plus automated credit memos.

Support your view with additional content | Cognitive Credit

Coverage. Speed. Accuracy.

Unlike other data providers, automation and technology is at the heart of what we do. Proprietary tech identifies, extracts and structures fundamental data from official earnings reports in a fraction of the time it takes a human to do it, resulting in comprehensive models of greater accuracy, delivered faster.

Three ways to access this data
Web App

Access our dynamic spreadsheet models, analytics and document library in one simple online service.

Excel Add-in

Stream our fundamental data directly into the credit model you know best – your own.


Integrate our fundamental credit data directly into your firm’s business systems & workflow.

Access our High Yield data today

Transform your US High Yield analysis with the credit market’s leading datasets.