US High Yield

Maximize your credit analysis with complete and accurate data sets on 800+ High Yield USD denominated issuers

800+ US High Yield issuers

Covering over 800 corporate issuers, our US High Yield license includes detailed financials extracted from official earnings reports - giving you all the data you need for fundamental analysis of the US high yield space, as defined by the Markit iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Index.

Power your analysis with complete credit data

Line-by-line models including the 3 main financial statements, debt notes, EBITDA analysis, geographic & segment reporting, operating KPIs & credit metrics.

Power your analysis with complete credit data | Cognitive Credit

Greater accuracy via automatic extraction

Our machine-reading technology systematically extracts and structures credit data from publicly available financial reports within minutes of release.

Greater accuracy via automatic extraction | Cognitive Credit

Support your view with additional content

Issuer summaries, reporting calendars, document libraries, pricing and reference data for outstanding loans and bonds plus automated credit memos.

Support your view with additional content | Cognitive Credit

US High Yield at a glance

800+ High Yield Issuers
800+ issuers

Full credit models on 800+ high yield-rated USD denominated issuers

Unmatched accuracy
Unmatched accuracy

Data is extracted & structured by our machine-reading technology

Faster models
Faster models

Receive fully populated models for any new issue within 6 hours

Always up-to-date
Always up-to-date

All data points refreshed as soon as new earnings reports are made available

The complete view of credit markets

US High Yield is one of four fundamental data licenses available on Cognitive Credit. Alongside our US Investment Grade, European Investment Grade and European High Yield licenses, we deliver comprehensive, accurate and real-time coverage of over 1,750 issuers.

Access via web application or API
Web Application

Access easy-to-use, dynamic spreadsheet models plus a variety of additional fundamental and market analytics custom-designed for credit investors.


Boost the efficiency and potential of your quant teams by integrating essential credit data directly into your firm’s workflow.

Learn more about our US High Yield bond data