Integrate the market’s most complete and accurate fundamental data directly into your business systems

Our data. Your systems.

Boost the efficiency of your quant teams - and the accuracy of their investment analysis - by incorporating key credit market data directly into your databases via our REST API.

With custom integration supported for several programming languages, get greater control over what data you use and how you receive it - streamlining your workflows.

Fully automate your data collection

Integrate our data directly into your business systems, cutting out manual data collection and ensuring you always have the latest financials.

Fully automate your data collection | Cognitive Credit

Leverage real-time data in your analysis

All data is refreshed in your business systems within minutes of earnings reports being published or 6-hours of new issue launch.

Leverage real-time data in your analysis | Cognitive Credit

Fully featured for credit professionals

Direct access
Direct access

Access our data in your business systems, on-demand

Unmatched coverage
Unmatched coverage

Fully supported across all our existing data licences

Faster updates

Data is refreshed directly in your applications as soon as it’s available

Flexible integrations
Flexible integrations

Downloadable SDKs for C#, Javascript, Python and Typescript

Tiered access to suit your requirements
Credit Metrics

90+ essential credit metrics and as-reported line items

Historical models

Complete line-by-line models sourced from issuer income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, debt notes, plus additional disclosure on EBITDA, geographic and segmental reporting, operating KPIs and credit metrics

Find out more about our API today

Transform your credit research with on-demand access to our market-leading fundamentals.