Asset Managers

Manage your portfolio with full and accurate credit data for every company, updated in real-time

Maintain your credit views more efficiently

Sourcing all the information needed for your company and sector analysis is time-consuming, and limits your capacity for more valuable research.

Our detailed company-specific models combined with our cross-market screening tools provide all the credit data you need to form and maintain your views in one convenient application.

Maintain a view on more companies in less time

Access the latest reporting data from every company as soon as earnings are available, enabling you to maintain a view on more credits in less time.

Maintain a view on more companies in less time | Cognitive Credit

Spend more time on high-value analysis

We structure and update data across all our models in a fraction of the time, so you can focus on the more advanced elements of your analysis.

app_model_2xSpend more time on high-value analysis | Cognitive Credit

Build your portfolio with greater accuracy

By eliminating manual processes and leveraging real-time credit data, make decisions based on the most accurate and up-to-date information available.

Build your portfolio with greater accuracy | Cognitive Credit
Three ways to access our data
Web App

Access our dynamic spreadsheet models, analytics and document library in one simple online service.

Excel Add-in

Stream our fundamental data directly into the credit model you know best – your own.


Integrate our fundamental credit data directly into your firm’s business systems & workflow.

What our clients are saying

We are really impressed with both the quality of your data and the speed of the updates.

Portfolio Manager, Global Asset Manager

Streamline your portfolio management today

Transform your analysis of bond and loan markets with the leading credit datasets.